Many Neighborly Actions!
Public opinion on the Port, Rain Harvest Festival, art build for Palestine, PVD Tree Plan.
Hi, everyone. We have some great things to do with and for our neighbors this week.
TODAY (Thursday), September 26, 5:30pm, Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex, 182 Thurbers Ave, Providence: Especially if you live in South Providence or Washington Park, and/or near the Port, join your neighbors to weigh in on the Port Master Plan. Sick of breathing stinky, sickening air? Want public access to the water? Ready to see the fossil fuels and other polluting industries phased out? The transformation of the Port starts now; be part of it.
Anytime after now, remotely, takes 2 minutes: Endorse the PVD Tree Plan to support the city’s and state’s investment (of time, effort and money) in more stable soil, cooler temperatures, cleaner air, biodiversity, and equity with the help of our tree neighbors! You can read the Plan in its entirety to see how they’ve made decisions about what to plant when and, especially, where. I just did this; it’s quick!
Sunday, September 29, 11am-2pm, Roger Williams Park Botanical Center Pavilion, Providence: Enjoy a beautiful array of activities and opportunities, from green jobs to oyster and kelp farming to floating wetlands, related to rain and stormwater and connected to so much more. There will be food (free!), music, storytelling, and bathrooms. It’s the Stormwater Innovation Center that’s putting this on. If you’ve been looking for ways to participate in a concrete, community-rooted response to climate change and ecological suffering, both human and beyond, this event could help you find your spot.
Sunday, September 29, 1-7pm, 310 Borne St, Rumford: … and after you’ve celebrated the waters of our state, you can contribute to an art build for Rhode Island’s Week of Action for Palestine. This is the first of many actions marking one year of escalated, genocidal violence from the Israeli government and military, starting in Gaza and spreading outward. There are more actions the following week; if you use Instagram, you can find a full list here, and I will list them next week too.
With love,