Neighborly Actions: AMOR Edition
The upcoming administration plans to intensify attacks on our neighbors. AMOR offers many ways to counter those attacks.
Hi, everyone. Many of you are already connected with Alliance to Mobilize Our Resistance (AMOR), which came together toward the beginning of the last Trump administration. Now, that same guy and his old and new cronies have declared a new intensification of threat and suffering for migrants, refugees, and other people already targeted by state violence; now is a great time to block that violence right where we are. Here are some ways:
Become a sustaining (monthly) donor. AMOR needs sustained support for people explicitly threatened and targeted by the upcoming federal administration. AMOR’s staff need to be well paid and well supported so that they can continue to do their work and share their expertise in navigating, surviving, and undoing these systems of fear and heartbreak. AMOR can guide us in holding the mayor of Providence and the governor of Rhode Island to their word that city and state police will not collaborate with ICE, and protecting and defending one another if the federal government will not defend us. Regular monthly donations, even small ones, help the organization budget and plan: make yours today.
Pre-order a copy of Feeding Our Resistance: An AMOR Community Cookbook. The recipes in this cookbook will inspire you to prepare the dishes that we feed the people we love, care for, and organize with: the people who remind us who we are, where we’re coming from, and where we want to go together. Your purchase of Feeding Our Resistance supports all of AMOR’s work for the well-being of our community, including our efforts to close the cruel and deadly Wyatt Detention Center once and for all.
Join the AMOR board. Replace me—my term is technically up in January! The ideal board member will have direct experience of being a refugee or undocumented, or have lived in a family impacted by immigration systems; be comfortable speaking both Spanish and English; and have nonprofit development experience. Meetings are monthly, but there’s sometimes work in between. Please get in touch (schapira.kate @ gmail) if you’re interested; I’m happy to talk with you about what’s involved!
Join the AMOR fundraising team. Nonprofit development experience is also a plus here. Meetings are every other Tuesday 5-6pm (again, with some work in between) and I’m sticking with this one, so we can hang out! Get in touch with me if you’re interested—same address as above.
With love and con AMOR,