Neighborly Actions Will Continue Until Morale Improves
A demand for housing, a beach cleanup, and a small national chore.
Hi, everyone. Here are a couple things to do with and for our neighbors this week and next, plus one national thing that’s pretty quick and would protect some of the useful work being done in our state (and elsewhere).
TODAY (Monday, November 11), anytime during the day: The US House is voting tomorrow on HR 9495, which would open the door for the Trump administration to revoke nonprofit status at will and without evidence. This could make it impossible for many of the organizations that we rely on here to operate, especially if principled dissent or civil disobedience is part of their work. Give your RI Rep a call today (both offices, DC and local) and tell him, “I'm a voter in [zip code] & I want to urge [Congressperson's name] to vote NO on H.R. 9495, because I don't want non-profit organizations in our community to have their tax status dismantled next year without evidence against them.”
Seth Magaziner: (202) 225-2735 / (401) 244-1201
Gabe Amo: (202) 225-4911 / (401) 729-5600
Wednesday, November 13, 12pm, State House South Lawn (downtown side): Join your neighbors in demanding that Governor McKee provide shelter for all Rhode Islanders and stop harassing people and raiding encampments until this is done. You’ll be doing some walking/rolling, so be prepared for that and for weather, and know that this is a bathroom-poor area. Probably fine for kids but you may need to peel off.
Friday, November 15, Fields Point (100 Save the Bay Drive, Providence): Want to do something very concrete, physical, and helpful to the lives that share the planet with us? Save the Bay is hosting a beach trash cleanup—sign up here—and will provide bags, gloves, and instructions. You will need good physical balance (there’s some climbing on rocks involved). The International Coastal Cleanup actually has locations throughout RI (scroll down here for a full list) if you live outside Providence or can’t make the one above!
With love,