Neighborly Actions Continue to Continue
A Providence town hall (Ward 12), a farewell celebration, and phone banking for the George Wiley Center--plus a few calls to make on the national level.
Hi, everyone. A few more things to do with our neighbors this week and into next (in addition to the things featured last time). Local stuff is up top, national stuff is at the bottom.
Wednesday, November 20, 6-7:30pm, Smith Hill Library (31 Candace St): If you live in Ward 12, your Councilwoman Althea Graves is holding a town hall to talk about issues and events in the neighborhood. If you have kids they can probably play with the library legos while the grownups talk; there is a restroom and an elevator down to it, and the building is wheelchair/mobility aid accessible although in a kind of elaborate way. If you know someone who could go if they had interpretation, you or they should contact the library at (401) 272-4140 and ask for it.
Saturday, November 23, 1-3pm, Providence Public Library (150 Empire St, Providence): Join a farewell party for the beautiful 450 Million Year Timeline of Organisms, from protozoa to possums, that currently adorns the library staircase. (If you’re lucky, you might get to take one home. I’ve got my eye on the possum.) This is an instance of the Bloodtide festival presented by Eli Nixon and shared by many over the years! All ages, wheelchair/mobility aid accessible, bathrooms aplenty. Eli also often supports art builds for public actions; if that’s your jam, talk with them about how to get involved!
Monday, November 25, 10am-2pm (but you can come and go at will), George Wiley Center (32 East Ave, Pawtucket): Help the George Wiley Center phonebank for sustaining donors to continue their fight for affordable utilities and more. (Utility justice is a necessary companion to electrification and renewable energy.) I believe you can just roll up to help anytime during that time frame; call 401-728-5555 with questions. You can also set up your own monthly donation here.
ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW AND MONDAY: There are a few good things to call members of our federal delegation about this weekend or Monday morning. Three stand out for me!
For Representatives Magaziner and Amo: Voting against HR 9495 (again!) to protect nonprofits from losing their status to baseless accusations of terrorism. Your basic script: “I’m NAME, I live in ZIP CODE, and I’m calling to thank the Representative for voting against HR 9495 last week. I’m asking him to vote against it again when it comes up next week as well.”
For Senators Whitehouse and Reed: Blocking the appointments of a white supremacist, a(nother) sexual predator, and a guy who’s cool with kids dying, among others. Your basic script: “I’m NAME, I live in ZIP CODE, and I’m calling to urge the Senator to block the appointments of Pete Hesgeth, Matt Gaetz, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I think they will be dangerous for this country and its people.”
Also for Senators Whitehouse and Reed: Blocking another (another!) $20 billion in arms to the Israeli government. Your basic script: “I’m NAME, I live in ZIP CODE, and I’m urging the Senator to support Senator Sanders’s Joint Resolution to block $20 billion of arms funding to the Israeli government.”
You can do one, two, or all three.
With love,